Lex Consultancy
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Temp information pack

Firstly, we would like to say thank you for temping with Lex consultancy. We will do our best to offer you the best temporary placements to suit your requirements. It is also our intention to make temping through Lex Consultancy an enjoyable and rewarding experience. You will have the opportunity to gain invaluable skills and broaden your experience whilst temping with some of Ireland’s most reputable organisations.

Please click 'Download' to view your 'Temp information pack'.
Please read this pack carefully to ensure that your understand your commitment to us as a temporary worker as well as ours to you.

Please make sure that we have all the information required to ensure you are paid in a timely manner.

You will also find details on

  • Conduct during assignment
    Basic Pay and Conditions
    Getting paid
    Annual Leave and Bank Holiday Pay
    Sick Leave
    Registering for tax
    Maternity Benefit
    Health and Safety
  • Lex Consultancy
    Lex Consultancy is a boutique Irish owned agency, offering a full recruitment, advice and support service since 2007. The agency is driven by founders Jo McAndrew and Michelle Nolan who combine their unparalleled experience to manage a team of dedicated and highly professional recruitment consultants. The ability to match people to jobs is an art that a computer cannot manage. That is why we rely on the people skills and experience of our consultants.
